1. What were your expectations of the film?
Harry: I expected that it would be jumpy. there had been a lot of hype about the film which enhanced my expectations of what would happen in terms of horror.
Kieran: As a film just from looking at the posters it was easy to tell that the film would be a little scary. on the hole I feel that it was a lot more jumpy than it was scary.
George: As I had seen the film before today so i already knew that it was going to be a dark scary film.
Mo: I thought that it may be something a little like Harry Potter as it had the same actor in.
2. Do you think a collective viewing of the text lessened or enhanced your pleasure and why?
Harry: I think that it enhanced the viewing pleasure as you could laugh off the scary scenes, whereas if I was on my own I would of found it a lot less enjoyable as I would have been very scared.
Kieran: I really think that it enhanced the viewing as it meant that you didn't look stupid when you jumped as there was a lot of people doing it as well.
George: I think that viewing it this way gives it a different atmosphere to that of when you watch it by yourself.
Mo: I believe that viewing it collectively gives a more scarier feel to the film as when one person gets shocked it passes onto others and an atmosphere is created and keeps through till the end.
3&4. Which part of the film are still in your memory and why? Which bits made you jump?
Harry: The hand print with the woman in the window because I wasn't expecting it and and the final scene where the train hits the main character, as I felt it was predictable that the child was going to die.
Kieran: The part where the eyes were scratched out of the photo as it was creepy because this is quite a realistic part of the film. As well as this the part with all the children's toys because her scream was chilling.
George: The bit that has stuck in my head is the part with the rocking chair and the hanging, because it really built up suspense and made the whole cinema feel really tense.
Mo: The part that stuck in my head was when the little boy starts coming out the mud because it was very random but also very scary, it also left us in suspense because we saw him coming towards the house but when Daniel Radcliffe opened the door no one was their so it left in suspense about where the boy disappeared too.
5.The film is enhanced by excellent use of the micro-elements (lighting, sound, editing, mise en scene and cinematography) list your thoughts on each of these and describe your reaction to them.
The lighting used carried a very consistent theme throughout, as it was dark and gloomy from start to finish. This darkness made the film very spooky, and gave the impression to the audience that there was something wrong in that area and that it was possibly haunted. It also made it feel that the area was hostile to Arthur. In terms of sound, it was very effective as it picked up immediately when the audience was supposed to jump, for example, when the mud came out the tap, without sound that wouldn't be very scary at all. The toys songs were very creepy and made the house seem as though there were still children playing in the house, which is what the Woman in Black wanted. The strange noises also made the house seem haunted and that something was going to jump out at the audience. In terms of editing, the most memorable part was when the woman is seen in all the death scenes, that is powerful as it explains the story of the deaths. There are many elements of mis en scene, especially within the house. The china dolls make the house look derelict, but as though there was once life there. It also makes the house seem really creepy. The candle lit rooms made the house seem unattached from
the rest of the world, and it was clear the house had been uninhabited for a long time. This was also emphasized by the cinematography, as the panning shot of the marshes also showed how isolated the house was, as well as dangerous as it is surrounded by marshland. Additionally, the appearances of the woman were effective as they were usually during a panning shot.
6. Consider your own film and think about locations/ideas/music/techniques that are used in this film that you could use in your own trailer.
In the Woman in Black the producers/directors relied a lot on the sound and music. This created a massive atmosphere, so I think we should consider using this approach as we are doing a phycological thriller. A lot of the scariest moments were in the dark as there is more unknown when you can't see what is there. So I think we should film our climax scene in the dark.
7. What is general opinion of the film?
The woman in black is generally regarded as a natural progression from screen play to film. as well as this it is seen as a "capable" version of the original story. The only problem with this film is the fact that it doesn't bring anything new to the horror genre. this is shown by the fact that there is nothing new or controversial about the film. this could make it seem like a "safe" bet. This is probably a good idea for this film though as it is made by an independent film company. another opinion was that Radcliffe was also a very good fit for the main role, not only because he bought a large fan base to the film, but he also played the character well. The film also showed that he would be able to break away from his type cast.
Women in black is also seen as a less is more kind of film as not a lot particularly happens although the story is very strong. With this the 12A age certificate is seen as to low by many. overall most of the ratings give it a 4/5 star rating.
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